Telephone: 0117 4576645

Job No­­­­­­­­: SB150

Postcode:  BS5 9TR St Philips Start Date:  ASAP Yr Group/subject/s Level/s:    Year 7 below but well below ARE SEN:  SEMH  Hourly Fee: £35 Hours/Days:  1 hour Maths 1 hour English , 2 separate sessions weekly ideally A boy in Special Guardianship with his nan and...

Job No­­­­­­­­: SB149

Postcode:  BS20 8DG Portishead or Online Start Date:  ASAP Yr Group/subject/s Level/s:    Yr 10 but gaps in learning since Yr 7 English Grade 4, Maths 3 currently SEN:  SEMH  Hourly Fee: £35 Hours/Days:  1 x 2 hour session of English and 1 x 2 hours of Maths, or...

Job No­­­­­­­­: SB145

Postcode:  BS32 9BS on site at Bradley Stoke School Start Date:  After Half Term – Week B Yr Group/subject/s Level/s: Year 10 Maths or English on a Wk A/B timetable. Any of the times as below SEN: ASC  Hourly Fee: £30 Hours/Days:   Wk A Weds 9.55-10.55.   Wk B...

Job No­­­­­­­­: SB147

Postcode:  BS31 2BY Keynsham at home Start Date:  ASAP Yr Group/subject/s Level/s:    Year 11 Maths revision SEN: FND   Hourly Fee: £35 Hours/Days:  1 hour Maths pw- preferably not Fridays or Tuesdays An academically capable and motivated girl who is hoping to attend...

Job No­­­­­­­­: SB146

Postcode:  BS13 9RL at home in Hartcliffe Start Date:  ASAP Yr Group/subject/s Level/s:    Year 10 who needs to revise Year 9, a bit below ARE English, Maths and Science SEN: ADHD    Hourly Fee: £35 Hours/Days:  2 hour per subject Monday or Friday – different...