Your success is our success!
Success can be measured in numerous ways. It can be academic success; measured by excellent exam grades, such as SATS or GCSEs. It could more simply be that your more confident children feel able to cope with class work that would have previously filled them with dread. Either way, the ethos at Bristol Tuition is to give every child or young person the skills and confidence that they need to believe they are capable of success.
This year, our team of professional tutors has worked with hundreds of children from a range of backgrounds and with varying abilities, to help them to achieve the success they need.
We have worked with 55 different schools and other organisations across Bristol to ensure that no one is left behind in the race to achieve the best grades and, as well as being the agency that schools come back to time after time, we have received tremendous commendations from parents who have been surprised and pleased with the increased skills and confidence their children display. Comments this year have included:
‘M is a very talented teacher. He really cares…
I couldn’t recommend M more… L is happier, more vibrant and doing well at school. Her teacher is also impressed.’
‘Thank you very much for helping with R’s English. He is a different boy now. He believes he can pass his exams, whereas a year ago he felt hopeless’
Achievements such as these are significant to Bristol Tuition, our team of dedicated tutors and, of course, our tutees. We really care about the service we give, because your success really is our success!
“Huge thanks to you and your tutor, who provided such fantastic support during the last few months. I would definitely use your service again, as I was very impressed with the way your tutor engaged with a pupil with such complex sensory needs.”
Carrie Osmond
Head Teacher
New Siblands School
“Bristol Tuition provided daily lessons at home for a pupil in year 6. Despite being unable to come to school, he still took part in his SATs at the end of the year. I could tell that the tutoring he received had an impact on his ability to recall knowledge and apply it calmly under test conditions. Bristol Tuition have been flexible to his needs and creative in their approach to engaging him in learning. The tutors provided us with helpful weekly updates on his progress both academically and socially”
Satisfied Schools Satisfy Us
Bristol Tuition is now the largest Bristol based tutor agency working 1-1 in Bristol with children in schools or out of school settings in school hours. Our tutors help with small group GCSE preparation or 1-1 support, tailored to each child’s specific learning needs and style of learning.
“Thank you so much for all your help in setting up the tutoring. The students that have attended sessions have all commented on the quality of the tutors and the excellent levels of support they have provided.
All members of your team that I have met have been extremely polite and caring for our young learners and have had an excellent subject knowledge.
I can see why they are all in such high demand!”
Katherine ogden
Bristol Tuition Supports Bristol Scholars
For the past 4 years Bristol Tuition has been one of three chosen agencies who have annually taken part in the prestigious University of Bristol Scholars Project. We anticipate the continuation of this fruitful collaboration in future years to come.
We provide 20 hours of tutorial support to each of approximately 20 A Level students who need an Grade A in their chosen subject, to obtain a cherished place at the University of Bristol. Each student is a capable pupil who has suffered a recent academic setback and they are selected by their school to receive the extra boost to achieve exam success.
“Bristol Scholars is a University of Bristol outreach programme for Year 13 students facing socioeconomic and educational disadvantage. The academic tuition provided by Bristol Tuition as part of the programme over a number of years has seen excellent results, with students taking part in this tuition having marked increases in their attainment, as well as increases in their confidence studying independently, and their ability to overcome challenges in
their learning.”
Reuben Chatterjee
Widening Participation and
Undergraduate Recruitment
Alternative Learning
Provider to Bristol
City Council
Bristol City Council’s Catalogue of Alternative Learning Providers contains lists of approved learning providers. Schools refer to the catalogue to arrange learning for children who can’t attend school due to health, emotional or behavioural issues.
Bristol Tuition has featured in the Catalogue for many years, and this is testament to the superb quality of provision that we provide to out of school children Bristol-wide.