Telephone: 0117 4576645

Schools Info!

Bristol Tuition Ltd has been tutoring children and young people since 2011. We provide 1-1 bespoke tutorials with children and young people on or off the school site, depending on individual need and circumstances.  We also offer 1-2, 2-1 or small group tutoring if required.

Our tutors come onto school sites in school hours or at twilight to tutor your pupils, or we can visit them at home in or out of school hours, often preparing them for exams, ranging from basic Functional Skills through to GCSE and GCE in all national curriculum subjects. We have long been working with the largest academy groups in the country, including Cabot Learning Federation, Oasis and TILA, to name just a few.

Our company policies are available on request; among them are Safeguarding and Child Protection, Equality and Diversity, Data Protection and Privacy, Grievance, and Whistleblowing policies. Our tutors sign an annual declaration that they have read and understood Keeping Children Safe in Education and its most recent annual updates. In this way we do our best to ensure that our local children are as safe as they can be. We are a Safer Recruitment Agency and our tutors’ identification, qualifications and right to work are all stringently checked. Our tutors are all qualified teachers (with one or two exceptions, who have decades of experience) and additionally, many specialise in SEND, ASC, Dyslexia and Dyscalculia tutoring.

Tutoring is invoiced monthly, in arrears.

Schools: Sue Beer on 0117 457 6645 (Option 2) for prices and more information

I cannot express how grateful we are to Bristol Tuition for their constant collaborative approach in helping us secure provisions for our students. From the moment we got in touch for the first time, it was evident that Bristol Tuition were dedicated to a nurturing approach in supporting our students. Overall, I highly recommend working with Bristol Tuition to any person who is looking into seeking Alternative Provision.

James Reid

External Provision


Bristol Tuition is a Limited Company. Registered No: 13447711

VAT Registration No: 383899329

Registered Address: 42 Welsford Road,
Bristol, BS16 1BP

“Bristol Tuition offer a tailored package for c/yp with Special Educational Needs.  They are willing to cross Local Authority borders to continue delivery in the event of a change of address and so give the c/yp peace of mind and the continuing support needed without gaps in provision.  All enquiries are answered promptly.”

Senior Inclusion Officer

Bristol City Council

Local Authorities Info!

Your needs differ to the needs of schools in that you require home tutoring with some of the hardest to reach children, or children who are at home due to either physical or mental issues which prevent them from attending mainstream education. Online tuition is also always an option with Bristol Tuition.

Our tutors are qualified and experienced enough to provide bespoke 1-1 tutoring, from basic play and confidence building, to support in filling crucial gaps in knowledge in preparation for GCSE or GCE exams. We can offer online or face to face tuition and we have long held strong relationships with Local Authorities in the South West of England, including S.Glos, Wiltshire and BANES, and we have satisfied the stringent criteria which enables us to feature on Bristol City Council’s own ALP catalogue.

Our wide reach across counties enables us to track tutees, wherever possible. Some tutors have worked with the same tutee for as long as 5 years! We also regularly assist with the transition back to school from home, for as long as it takes the child to adjust.

Tutoring is invoiced monthly, in arrears.

Local Authorities: Matt Searle 0117 457 6645 (Option 1) for prices and more information

“Bristol Tuition offer a tailored package for c/yp with Special Educational Needs.  They are willing to cross Local Authority borders to continue delivery in the event of a change of address and so give the c/yp peace of mind and the continuing support needed without gaps in provision.  All enquiries are answered promptly.”

Senior Inclusion Officer

Bristol City Council

Get in touch

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    School or Local Authority Name *

    Enquiry *

    We collect your personal data to contact you with regards to your enquiry. Please see our Privacy Policy on how we store your submitted data. Sending this form implies your consent to this.

    A Note on Risk Assessments

    We are sorry but we are unable to offer tuition in the community due to the increased risks involved. An adult must remain in earshot during tutorials and we carry out our own risk assessment when tutoring in the home. We also require schools or Local Authorities to carry out and share their own risk assessments, when appropriate.

    It is Bristol Tuition’s policy that tutors do not work with tutees who pose a potential threat to their wellbeing. This means that tutees who have an assessed risk of violence and/or verbal abuse towards teaching professionals/other adults may not be able to commission our services. Bristol Tuition will consider each case individually, however due to insurance requirements, we are very limited in this regard.

    Bristol Tuition is a Limited Company. Registered No: 13447711

    VAT Registration No: 383899329

    Registered Address: 42 Welsford Road,
    Bristol, BS16 1BP