I am free to go where I choose and how often I work each week
Happy Tutors, Happy Clients!
We know that our clients want to see a happy face, and once you register with Bristol Tuition you can be confident that you will be smiling all the way! As a self-employed tutor you will be free to decide as to how little or how often you wish to tutor and where you want to go to do it. Following a straightforward application process and satisfactory checks, we will offer you assignments tailor made for you!
Whether you wish to tutor in or out of school hours, on school sites or in learners’ homes, you will be offered a great deal of work in your subject specialism. Call outs are sent out several times daily and once you have accepted work, you will be personally supported on a day to day basis. Most commissions run smoothly but in the unlikely event of any queries or issues, we are here to personally help you, almost 24/7!
You can rest assured that if you should fall ill or need to cancel, we can also liaise between yourself and arrange cover for your client. With over 10 years’ experience of running a city-wide tutor agency, we have the experience to help you to deliver with confidence, while we sweat the small stuff.
As a Bristol Tuition tutor, you will enjoy the rewarding experience of working with a diverse range of interesting learners, while receiving a highly competitive hourly rate of pay. If you like to socialise, we also have tutor meetups, where you can get to meet other tutors and share experiences, teaching activities and other resources. When job shares occur, collegiality is encouraged among our tutors, to provide a joined-up experience for your clients, as well as support for one another. After all, happy tutors equal happy clients!
I am free to go where I choose and how often I work each week

It’s great to have the benefit and protection of an agency, in return for a small commission fee
Broaden Your Scope with Bristol Tuition
If you possess a UK teaching qualification, excellent references and a desire to develop your career through home or school tutoring, you would be very welcome to join our super team of professional tutors. There are no ation fees required and if you don’t already possess a DBS you are welcome to apply for one through Bristol Tuition.
- Learners’ homes – in and out of school hours
- School sites – in school hours and at twilight
- Online – from your home to their home or school site – in and out of school hours
- Alternative Learning Provision sites – Gyms, off site School Hubs or Community Settings
- 1-1 with learners not in school due to SEN/ASD/SEMH
- Hospital education and care farm settings
Most commissions are usually between 1-2 hours of 1-1, either daily or weekly. You can quickly build up a day of tutoring work if you have your own transport and are able to travel easily between clients. Some 80% of our tutors work solely for Bristol Tuition.
Sue found me the perfect position at Yate Academy school. I have been working there very happily for several months now.
Apply Now
Bristol Tuition welcomes applications from UK qualified teachers in all subjects and at all levels. Join our fast growing team of tutors by using the link below to upload your cv.

As well as covering the Bristol area, Bristol Tuition is proud to work with South Gloucestershire Council to provide home tuition for children in care.
If you are a UK qualified teacher seeking a self-employed placement with Bristol Tuition in Bristol or South Gloucestershire please email your CV to enquiries@bristoltuition.co.uk