A GREAT START for Your Child
Why choose a home tutor from Bristol Tuition?
- Your child will benefit from the one to one attention that only a personal tutor can give
- He or she will improve in confidence and skills
- Qualified teachers, who are familiar with the curriculum, will provide excellent learning activities every time, geared towards your child’s interests and ability
“We are very happy with Laura. She comes every Monday and she is really good and very helpful with all the Primary subjects.”

KS1, KS2 ANd KS3 – We’ve Got You Covered
Sometimes children fall behind at school because of a period of illness, or the rest of the class move on to another subject, leaving the child still puzzling over what they have just heard. Individual help with KS1, 2 and 3 tuition can make all the difference to your child’s progress, giving them the confidence and skill set they will need as they progress through each learning stage.
Bristol Tuition can provide you with UK qualified primary tutors who make home visits throughout Bristol and South Gloucestershire. All our tutors are teachers who are experienced both in the classroom and on a one to one basis, and they can provide your child with the foundation of knowledge that they will need to succeed. We can help with all the subjects that your child may be struggling with and fill the gaps that will enable them to secure a solid base that they can build upon throughout their continuing education. In the comfort and security of your home, your child can learn in a quiet and relaxed atmosphere, away from the noise and distractions of the classroom. Very often, a series of 6 or 10 tutorials are enough to set them straight and send them along on their learning path with confidence. They can ask the tutor any questions without fear of ridicule and gain an understanding of the topic which they might have failed to pick up while in their school setting.
There is no minimum number of tutorials required.
New skills and academic developments can be quickly lost when a child is out of school due to anxiety or illness. If your child feels unable to work with a tutor face to face, we can offer online tutoring in or out of school hours. Online tutoring will boost your child’s knowledge and confidence, ready for their return to school and tutors have a wealth of learning resources geared to assisting your child as they learn in a fun, relaxed way.
Get in touch
- There are NO registration or other agency fees
- Simply ‘Pay as You Go’ to your home tutor
- Hourly sessions are £40 KS2 to GCSE and £50 for A Level
- Due to the national shortage of qualified Science teachers, Science KS3 and GCSE £50 and £60 for A Level
- Specialist tutoring for SEN is £45 ph neg. and higher according to level of need
- Online tuition is £5 less than the f2f fee
In the event of a private client cancelling a tutor without 24 hours’ notice we ask that a £20 cancellation fee be paid to the tutor towards loss of earnings. If a tutor arrives at your home and a session does not take place, the full hourly fee will apply.