Telephone: 0117 4576645

Job No­­­­­­­­: MS17

Postcode: BS10 6TJ

Start Date: asap

Yr Group/Subject/s Level/s: Yr 9. Maths and English

SEN: y

Hourly Fee: £35

Hours/Days: 2 hours per subject. Thursday after school hours.

Text Matt for more info: 07392 887904


Job No­­­­­­­­: MS12

Postcode: BS3 1NY

Start Date: asap

Yr Group/Subject/s Level/s: Yr 11. Science

SEN: y

Hourly Fee: £35

Hours/Days: 1 hour a week to start.

Text Matt for more info: 07392 887904


Job No­­­­­­­­: MS11

Postcode: BS4 1SH

Start Date: asap

Yr Group/Subject/s Level/s: Yr 8. Literacy and numeracy skills.

SEN: y

Hourly Fee: £35

Hours/Days: 1 – 2 hours Mondays.

Text Matt for more info: 07392 887904


Job No­­­­­­­­: MS02

Postcode: BS11 OSW

Start Date: 2 Sept

Yr Group/Subject/s Level/s: Yr 10. Maths and/or English 


Hourly Fee: £35

Hours/Days: tbc

Text Matt for more info: 07392 887904


Job No­­­­­­­­: MS04

Postcode: ONLINE or f2f

Start Date: asap

Yr Group/Subject/s Level/s: Yr 8. Maths and English KS1 (reading and writing)

SEN: y

Hourly Fee: £30 / £35

Hours/Days: 4 hours per week Monday and Tuesdays. He has experienced early trauma due to adverse childhood experiences. Suffers from anxiety. ADHD. Speech learning difficulties, attachment issues and learning delay. Currently working well below age-expectations in all areas.

Text Matt for more info: 07392 887904


Job No­­­­­­­­: MS03

Postcode: BS13 8BU

Start Date: 2 Sept

Yr Group/Subject/s Level/s: Yr 9. Maths and English 


Hourly Fee: £35

Hours/Days: 10 per week. Mon, Tue, Wed 2 till 4. Thu between 9 – 1. Friday between 9 – 1

Text Matt for more info: 07392 887904


Job No­­­­­­­­: SB141

Postcode: BS13 0RD at home

Start Date:  ASAP

Yr Group/subject/s Level/s: Year 9 Maths and English needed early KS3 level as working below ARE

SEN:  SEMH Hourly Fee: £35

Hours/Days: 1 hour each subject on Monday any time and Tuesday-Thursday after 1.30pm

She struggles with anxiety and due to his has not attended mainstream school for several years. She attends Ed 1st 4 mornings pw but needs formal support through tuition for an hour each of Maths and English on separate days to fill gaps in learning. Likely a mix of KS2 and KS3.

Text Sue for more info: 07510289617


Job No­­­­­­­­: SB95

Postcode: BS5 7BT at home

Start Date:  ASAP

Yr Group/subject/s Level/s: Year 11 Maths and English BBA will provide topics and curriculum

SEN:  SLD  Hourly Fee: £35

Hours/Days: 1 hour each subject on Monday-Thursday after 1pm or any time on a Friday

She is a Year 11 student who is entitled to extra time due to a visual issue. She has overlays which she refuses to use in school. She has high anxiety and has been truanting. She will not ask for help as she does not want to be seen as different to her peers. She says she wants to go to College and that she sees the need to get her Maths and English GCSEs.

Text Sue for more info: 07510289617


Job No­­­­­­­­: SB140

Postcode: Online at home in school hours

Start Date:  ASAP

Yr Group/subject/s Level/s: Year 9 Maths and English (slightly below Yr 9 level)

SEN:  ASC  Hourly Fee: £35

Hours/Days: 2 hours on Thursdays

This 14 year old boy has ASC and was bullied at school. He has now settled into ALP and he has sports and mentoring but he needs formal English and Maths online to enable him to keep up and ultimately take GCSEs

Text Sue for more info: 07510289617


Job No­­­­­­­­: SB139

Postcode: BS10 7TN at home

Start Date:  ASAP

Yr Group/subject/s Level/s: Entry Level FS Maths and English

SEN:  ASC  Hourly Fee: £35

Hours/Days: 1 hour Tuesday morning and one hour any time on Friday in school hours.

This 15 year old girl has just been diagnosed with ADHD and MLD. She struggled in school for years and is now taking an animal care course but is still on school roll. She needs to study for FS Maths and English, beginning at Entry Level. She has low cognitive ability and her auditory memory is poor which impacted on her classroom learning.

Text Sue for more info: 07510289617


Job No­­­­­­­­: SB138

Postcode: BS14 8HA at home in Hengrove

Start Date:  ASAP

Yr Group/subject/s Level/s: Year 7 didn’t sit SATS – KS2 Maths, English and Science

SEN:  ASC  Hourly Fee: £35

Hours/Days: Building up to 9 hours pw in school hours by arrangement with mum. Tuesdays, Weds and Fridays late mornings preferred. Job share possible.

She is a lovely girl who is more socially isolated than ever since she stopped attending school. She is awaiting a specialist placement and loves playing with her dolls, cycling and swimming. She is determined to overcome her fears and engage with work so she can catch up with her peers.

Text Sue for more info: 07510289617


Job No­­­­­­­­: SB53

Postcode: BS6 7XB

Start Date:  ASAP

Yr Group/subject/s Level/s: Year 6 but below ARE

SEN:  SEMH/ADHD  Hourly Fee: £35

Hours/Days:  English/Maths Thursdays and/or Fridays 3/3.30 start for 90 mins or so on either or both days

He is a very active boy who was unable to access his school timetable last year and he received several suspensions before attending Education 1st. He needs formal Maths and English support after he attends this daily provision.

Text Sue for more info: 07510289617


Job No­­­­­­­­: SB124

Postcode: BS16 2PP

Start Date:  ASAP

Yr Group/subject/s Level/s:  KS3 and some possible Year 6 concepts revision

SEN: No  Hourly Fee: £30

Hours/Days:  1 hour weekly on Weds after school

Nice girl in care needs Maths tuition to fill gaps in her learning at KS3. Support with homework or topics suggested rom the Maths faculty would be useful.

Text Sue for more info: 07510289617


Job No­­­­­­­­: SB78

Postcode: BS30 9DQ Longwell Green

Start Date:  ASAP

Yr Group/subject/s Level/s:  KS2/3 Maths/English to replace current tutor

SEN: SEMH  Hourly Fee: £35

Hours/Days:  2 x 1 hour pw.

She is aged 15 and was doing very well in school until after her SATS when she dropped out due to SEMH. She has had a range of ALP support since and is quite disengaged now, so two afternoons are best. Struggles socially but loves reading. Mum may ask for just one session pw to start with.

Text Sue for more info: 07510289617


Job No­­­­­­­­: SB134

Postcode: BS7 9BY on Trinity Academy school site

Start Date:  ASAP

Yr Group/subject/s Level/s:   Maths and English mix

SEN:  SEMH Hourly Fee: £30

Hours/Days:  Fridays 13.45-14.45

A girl who is LAC and has SEMH. She stopped attending her previous school and has missed some education, She is on roll at Trinity now and in Year 11, so needs to fill some gaps at KS2/3 in both subjects.

Text Sue for more info: 07510289617


Job No­­­­­­­­: SB112/113

Postcode: Online

Start Date:  ASAP

Yr Group/subject/s Level/s: Maths GCSE one hour weekly, same time but alternate weeks with different Yr 10 pupils

SEN:CiC  Hourly Fee: £30

Hours/Days: 3.45 after school – not Weds.

These two pupils currently have English on alternating weeks and School want the same for Maths, to gear them up towards exams next year.

Text Sue for more info: 07510289617


Job No­­­­­­­­: SB129

Postcode: BS14 9BU on school site at Oasis John Williams, Hengrove

Start Date:  ASAP

Yr Group/subject/s Level/s: Maths GCSE below ARE in Year 10.

SEN: Yes  Hourly Fee: £30

Hours/Days:  Tuesday and Friday, ideally. Monday possible. Can be a job share. 3 hours pw. Ideally 90 mins each session, so 2 sessions across the 3 days.

He is capable and will engage well 1-1, but his complex needs led to non attendance and getting in with a bad crew. He received his EHCP in April but there is no specialist provision for him. He now has a bespoke package set up which will include some school tutoring on site. His English tutor says he is a lovely boy and he is starting Science too.

Text Sue for more info: 07510289617


Job No­­­­­­­­: SB65

Postcode: BS4 1EB

Start Date:  ASAP

Yr Group/subject/s Level/s: Year 9 Science needed to support ALP. He is below ARE

SEN:  SEMH  Hourly Fee: £35

Hours/Days:  Any day/time negotiable 2 x 90 mins per subject per week. He already has English and Maths.

A nice boy who enjoys his 1-1 tutoring while he is awaiting specialist provision. He has SEMH, having witnessed too much when younger. He is also a carer for his mum.

Text Sue for more info: 07510289617


Job No­­­­­­­­­: KS112

Postcode: Bradley Stoke BS32 0ER

Start Date:  ASAP

Yr Group/subject/s Level/s:    RS tutor for year 9 girl

SEN: N            Hourly Fee: £40/30 face to face

Hours/Days:  After school – Tuesdays or Thursdays

Text Kay for more info: 07426788216 l


Job No­­­­­­­­­: KS104

Postcode: Easton BS5 6HZ

Start Date:  ASAP

Yr Group/subject/s Level/s:    SATs prep for year 9 boy in English, maths and science

SEN: N            Hourly Fee: £40/30 face to face – does not want online

Hours/Days:  After school – after 6pm weekdays

Text Kay for more info: 07426788216 letting me know which subject you would be interested in


Job No­­­­­­­­­: KS92

Postcode: Totterdown/Knowle

Start Date:  ASAP

Yr Group/subject/s Level/s:    Year 6 aged 11 Primary maths

SEN: N            Hourly Fee: £40/30

Hours/Days:  After school on Mondays every  two weeks

Text Kay for more info: 07426788216


Job No­­­­­­­­­: KS87

Postcode: Online

Start Date:  ASAP

Yr Group/subject/s Level/s:    GCSE AQA Physics for year 11 girl

SEN: N            Hourly Fee: £45/38

Hours/Days:  After school Wednesdays from 3.15pm  with other times a possibility

Text Kay for more info: 07426788216


Job No­­­­­­­­­: KS80

Postcode: Henleaze BS9

Start Date:  ASAP

Yr Group/subject/s Level/s:    A level AQA Physics for year 12 girl

SEN: N            Hourly Fee: £60/50 split face to face or £55/48 online

Hours/Days:  After school

Text Kay for more info: 07426788216